Sunday, November 28, 2021

From Russia with God's love: Nati Pushkova and Seven Lamps

 Here is a fresh new spiritual band from Tomsk, Siberia, who will wow you with their acoustic sound. I personally can't wait for the completion of their collection which is under construction and is expected to be released in the Spring. Read the singer's responses and check out their single on YouTube or Spotify:

Please tell us about your musical journey in Christ. How long have you been making music? Any formal training? Professional experience?

My name is Nati. I am e-guitar player and singer for 2 years.  

Our band's name is "Seven Lamps" and we have just released our first single " In my veins". It is about a very personal relationships with our Lord. This is a message of true life with Christ, which is not free from "flowers broken and faded" but a sincere cry to Lord that "speaks the whole world in a minute".

Nata Pushkova the lead singer for Seven Lamps

Natasha Pushkova of Seven Lamps

How has making music made a difference in your Christian walk?

I was given a prompt from God to start singing and playing in the midst of my sickness. He prescribed me a remedy and it is my melody now.

What do you do to stay sharp with your God given skills? Do you have a daily routine?

I find time to write lyrics nearly every day, sometimes in the bus, or on the way to some place. The guitar is always in my hands.

What projects are you working on now? What are your hopes for them? 

We are writing songs for an album, which is due out in Spring.

What is your favorite Bible verse that inspires you to praise God through music? 

And he shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season-- Pr 1:3

Let us know where we can follow you and your music and give us any last words of encouragement, advice or anything else you wish to add.

@natidecor The very unbelievable is the very possible with God. Answer Him

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