Sunday, February 20, 2022

Christ's Way of Making Peace


Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Martyn Lloyd-Jones

A Sermon on Ephesians 2:15

by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, (ESV)

In Jesus Christ a new harmony formed, not along the lines of race, family, or country, but in the basis of membership in the family of God. In this sermon on Ephesians 2:15 titled “Christ’s Way of Making Peace,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims the words of Paul, saying all who believe are adopted into God’s family and become inheritors with Christ of the whole world. In this new people there is neither Jew nor Gentile, for the people of God are those who are the children of Abraham by nature of their faith in Christ and their adoption into God’s family. This is why division in the church on the basis of age, race, and nationality are such a travesty. The peace of God transcends all divisions and walls. This peace, as Dr. Lloyd-Jones describes, is one that makes fallen men and women righteous before God and it also puts them in a right relationship with one another as brothers and sisters in the family of God. This new relationship is the first fruits of what is to come in the new creation that Christ will bring to completion when He returns in glory and judgment on the last day. The church should look to the peace that Christ has granted in the gospel as the greatest hope in the Christian life.

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