Thursday, February 17, 2022

King Solomon-God's Lucky Songbird

 [This is another segment in the Music in the Bible series which begins in Genesis and finishes in Revelation.]

Solomon on his throne
image source:

 He spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were one thousand and five. (1 Kings 4:32)

People respect, or are at least fascinated by, a prolific artist. Add to that energy wisdom, wealth and ladies by the score, you have the envy and admiration of the world.

God blessed Solomon, King David's son, tremendously because when the Lord asked him what one thing he wished for before ascending the throne, he requested wisdom. Our Heavenly Father seems to respect and respond in gracious abundance to petitioners who are honest and humble. Witness Jesus' response when a Canaanite woman, who was outside of our Lord's earthly ministry mission at the time, pestered and begged him to release her daughter from demon control. He replied:

"I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

But the woman's quick retort about 'even dogs get to eat crumbs at their master's table," gained his respect and he granted her wish. Way to think on your feet! (Matthew 15:22-28)

The Almighty gave us critical reasoning powers to use and when we do so for His purposes, He is pleased and rewards beyond our imaginations. Solomon's wisdom has been recorded in Scripture in song, judgments and lyric. His brilliance (and Israel's rich splendor as a kingdom) was spoke of throughout the known world at the time. Even the Queen of Sheba made the arduous and long journey to be granted an audience with him. What a lucky man!

Emerson, Lake and Palmer Live

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