Friday, April 29, 2022

Hannah Praises God

 [This is another segment in the Music in the Bible series which begins in Genesis and finishes in Revelation.]  

And Hannah prayed and said:

“My heart rejoices in the Lord;

My horn is exalted in the Lord.

I smile at my enemies,

Because I rejoice in Your salvation. (1 Samuel 2:1)

image source: UNICEF

What can surpass a mother's joy after giving birth and holding her newborn? Hannah had prayed fervently to the Lord for a child because she was barren and that was a serious stigma in Old Testament Israel. It was perceived as a sign by society that Yahweh did not favor her and may have indeed cursed her. So she burst forth in song and, by so doing, put those who despised her to shame. And to further show her appreciation, she dedicated her boy to the service of the Lord. Samuel, who grew up to become a judge for the Israelites, was ordained to pick the nations first king--Saul. Read the entire song of praise in 1 Samuel 2. It was indeed an event worthy of a party in the USA or anyone else for that matter.

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