Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Rocket Science for Bloggers

 No, not really. If you want to drive constant traffic to your website (and unless you are already somebody famous), the solution is quite simple: UPDATE FREQUENTLY. And by frequently, I mean constantly 24/7 if possible. Let me explain.

Even though these blogs are not music news oriented, they have achieved an insane following and organic hit count over the years with practically no advertising on their sites. Most of us when we blog, the first thing we often think of is monetization. But what good is that if you don't have constant and increasing traffic which, in the end, translates into leverage for potential advertisers?

I used to blog, write and promote books, primarily fiction, and the method is much the same as it is in the music industry. If you're a little guy or gal, it's hard to get noticed no matter how talented or trained you are. I have a Master of Arts degree and I've been told by some notable authors that my novels were exceptionally good but so what? I wasn't willing to put in the elbow grease past a certain point to keep the promotion of my work moving in the right direction. And in today's day and age, that's an unforgivable sin. 

Even though my interview blog, Writers Alive, was gaining some notice and popularity amongst many writers, some famous and some not so famous, it was a constant effort to keep the hit count up. But when I did, wow did the numbers skyrocket! One pretty successful author friend of mine was completely indie and she spent all day either working on her craft or social media marketing, answering emails from fans, checking out good promo offers that weren't a rip off. The last I heard she's still at it and raking in the bucks but they aren't handed to her on a silver platter.

I probably shouldn't have given up as I did but my walk with the Lord was more important so I quit writing crime fiction and refocused into music blogging and songwriting with just some beginning limited success. But as they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Even though I'm not a professional musician and make my living with music (not yet anyhow), I do get some gas money royalties and that's always sweet! But the most beautiful thing about the music business is that the river is so wide and there are so many currents and tributaries in it, you don't really have to have that much talent to float on it for fun! For me, blogging is a way into the boat to enjoy the ride and to network and keep up to date with what other Christian musicians are doing. But the trifecta mantra will always be (especially if you're a seasoned blogger like me): Constant, constant, constant!

Here's a pretty good site with regular, concise updates into Christian music and related themes. You can sit on the river bank and watch the water roll by for free or you can pay a couple of dollars a month or more and dive right in. Whatever you choose, there's good news to be shared!


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