Friday, December 3, 2021

God plays Montana and John Byk of Christian Musicians Alive

 Well, I might be dancing with myself by featuring myself but it's better than dancing with the devil like I used to do before Jesus pulled me out of a shallow grave! I hope you enjoy my story and my very first official attempts to honor God through music.

Please tell us about your musical journey in Christ. How long have you been making music? Any formal training? Professional experience?

I taught myself guitar while in college many years ago and I used to also do live poetry performances as a secular artist so I've always dabbled with lyrics and melody. It wasn't until last winter's 'rockdown' because of the pandemic that I received inspiration from God to write, record and release a bunch of songs that, lyrically and concept-wise, are pretty good but it wasn't until my pastor listened to them and told me that he 'liked my playing better than my singing' did I realize that I needed some help on vocals. So no, no formal training except some mandatory music classes in Catholic grade school and if you count spoken word performances as professional experience than yes--some.

John Byk in Montana

John Byk

What music inspires you the most (Christian or secular)? Name your favorites.

U2 (before Achtung Baby), Newsboys, Kutless, Toby Mac and a bunch of other CCM plus the new artists I am meeting via this blog like Nati Pushkova from Russia, Roman Tilus the rapper and others. Look around. You'll find all of them and more here in the right hand column under Featured Artists.

How has making music made a difference in your Christian walk?

Music and making music lifts my spirit towards heaven and 'fleshes out' the logic of Scripture for me.

What do you do to stay sharp with your God given skills? Do you have a daily routine?

The ability to mix and make music at home fairly cheaply is a great discovery for me. I try to spend every night either practicing guitar or polishing up songs on my DAW electronically.

What projects are you working on now? What are your hopes for them?

I just finished up a solo EP that I threw together while recovering from a bad case of covid so the feeling is there along with the creativity but I probably should have worked on it more before distribution but that's all right. It's called Naked Flame. Also, my digital band and I are in the middle of another EP called, Patient Chill, which is a concept collection offering a Christian response to the pandemic. Check out the pre-release page. We have some great female vocalist contributors and one European record label has expressed interest in the finished project. I hope through these songs people will just learn to Keep Calm and Listen to what God says through it all.

What is your favorite Bible verse that inspires you to praise God through music?

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth--Psalm 96:1

Let us know where we can follow you and your music and give us any last words of encouragement, advice or anything else you wish to add.

Our brief sojourn will soon be over in this fallen world and we will all sing and dance together as one body and bride of the living Lord, Jesus Christ. Keep living for a bigger kingdom. 

God Plays Montana and the Naked Flame EP on

Patient Chill pre-release page

I am NOT that man's brother!

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