Remnant Seven has a new video out and here's the back story behind that and their solid heartland music:
Please tell us about your musical journey in Christ. How long have you been making music? Any formal training? Professional experience?
SCOTT : I began my journey early. My father was a Baptist minister for a few small churches in central Alabama my entire life and my mother was the church pianist and secretary her whole life as well so I was very active in the music program with church choir and ensemble growing up and into my adult years also playing piano for some churches and music minister for a small church as a teenager. The only formal training I had was classical piano lessons for about 7 years. There really wasn't a lot to do in my town growing up so I spent countless hours practicing and playing. I spent most of the next 30 years writing and performing all over the Southeast, both original and cover music. I played cover music for many years until The Lord led me into a new season of writing for him which I have been doing since.

CHRIS : My journey also started in church with my mom being the pianist for a small country church. I started piano lessons at 8 years old but switched to guitar after just a few lessons. Played only commercial rock most of my life both covers and originals. I strayed away from the church musically and personally but not in my faith. I always felt my faith/beliefs were way deeper than what I was hearing from the church. Like Scott said we have spent most of the last 30 years playing around the southeast. I started playing club gigs at 15 and after high school got a degree in sound engineering and production and worked in recording studios in the 80's and 90's just so we could get free studio time to record our music. Then for a few years I moved to Colorado and didn't really do anything with music until one day I felt the need or calling to move back to Alabama where Scott was and start writing and recording again. We started off with the same type of commercial rock we had always done but things started happening in our lives that pushed us to take our style of music and record God's messages he was gifting us.
What music inspires you the most (Christian or secular)? Name your favorites.
SCOTT : I believe God uses secular music and Christian music to convey messages and uplift our spirit. Most secular music probably comes from a pretty dark place, however a smaller percentage I believe comes from a good place. Music is all up to the person's interpretation of the song and the lyrics so a song is what you make into you. As far as Christian influences mine are my piano teacher, Rachel Jackson,the old Baptist hymnal, David Meece I guess when I was younger. New bands I like are We the Kingdom and Hillsong.
CHRIS : Really the reason I started playing guitar was Kiss but I loved old church hymns since that's mostly what my mom played on piano. As far as new Christian music I like Crowder and Need to Breathe. I feel a realness in their songs that I don't feel in some Christian music of today. I still listen to a lot of secular rock like some of the new young rock bands that are up and coming (Rival Son's, Bad Flower, Gretta Van Fleet etc) since I do most of the recording/production stuff for us I try to keep up with the way all music is being produced and apply that to our music.
How has making music made a difference in your Christian walk?
SCOTT : The Lord assigns us to various duties and gives us the talent and drive to do them. So I feel my gift of music is my job assignment for the Lord.I work for him. Not my job or anything else just him. What greater honor is there than for God the Father to use you to do his work. It's truly awesome if you really think about it. It's the greatest honor and it makes my walk.
CHRIS : I feel the same, couldn't have said it any better
What do you do to stay sharp with your God given skills? Do you have a daily routine?
SCOTT: No routine. Song ideas he gives me come randomly and I try to get them down and learned quickly when they do come.
CHRIS : I just try to stay engaged in what the music industry is doing and production techniques.
What projects are you working on now? What are your hopes for them?
Remnant Seven is the only project we are working on. Our hope for it is that it pleases Jesus and maybe helps someone along the way...that God the Father speaks through it and continues to give us ideas to use to praise him.
What is your favorite Bible verse that inspires you to praise God through music?
SCOTT : No verse in particular. I'm just always amazed how when I read and study passages over again, I am shown something different every time that God didn't show me at a different time I had studied it. Like he shows or reveals things to me in stages that I need.
CHRIS : Several but I like Roman's 11:4-5 because it's like a definition of Remnant Seven....
"I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal." So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace.
Let us know where we can follow you and your music and give us any last words of encouragement, advice or anything else you wish to add.
Love God and love the people around you unconditionally. God places people in your life for a reason. Sometimes they aren't people who are easy to love and frequently those are the same people that are never exposed to the light and love of God. Be that light and seek the Lord.
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