Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Farts in a jar more popular than Christ Jesus?

 If we are not living in the End Times, then somebody please explain this one to me: Recently, a reality star made news after selling her farts in a jar for a total of over $200,000. Unfortunately, the diet she adhered to in order to produce this gaseous product landed her in hospital and now her highly lucrative (if not ridiculous) career appears to have been stopped up.


I know the message of Jesus Christ to a dying world has never been popular to the damned (and that's why he was brutally beaten and crucified) but what have we come to when flatulence turns a profit on the open market known as the Internet? Is this not the most base, most absurd thing know to man in these so called 'modern' times? Still, those who value temporal profit over spiritual riches would probably scoff at my scoffing and say: Who cares? Good for her for using her youthful beauty and marketing brains to weasel fools out of their money! And I guess, to a certain degree that makes plausible sense but what is the long term profit of such an airy venture?

I'm just wondering what you do with a fart in a jar. Do you make it a collector's item like a pet rock? Or possible a party favor for those who have run out of places to pierce or tattoo themselves and need a new high? I don't really know and when I'm finished with this post, I'll probably never give it another thought but you have to wonder what Jesus would say about this if He even bothered to considered it. I imagine the Lord of Glory just rolling his eyes and then laying hands on a leper or a blind or cripple person and getting on with the things that really matter in life and death. Which brings me to a final consideration: is there a taxable code/value for this type of NFT? Maybe the message is hidden in this old Beatles' song, Taxman.

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