Saturday, April 9, 2022

Angel Blast

Angel Trumpet Gigs:Take 4

No hand shall touch him, but he shall be stoned or shot; whether beast or man, he shall not live.’ When the trumpet sounds a long blast, they shall come up to the mountain. (Exodus 19:13)

I like to believe that if angels can sound trumpets they can also play saxophone. In this verse from Exodus 19, the Lord plans to visit His people at the foot of Mt. Sinai but has them perform certain rituals to outward cleanse themselves before He announces His arrival in three days with an Atmos Dolby trumpet blast from heaven that makes any boombox bass pale in comparison. Forget trying to Lo Cut that drop in your Logic Pro file. 

Although the text in Scripture does not clearly say who is blowing the trumpet, a systemic study of angels and their roles throughout the Bible most likely indicates that it was an angel here because the sound was so loud that everyone in the camp (probably close to one million people) trembled as the blast was accompanied by dense smoke "which billowed like a furnace and the whole mountain trembled violently." (Exodus 19:18)

Speaking reverently as a musician, I kind of wonder what note or melody that trumpet blast was. I've heard shofars used before and I guess it all depends on what size instrument is used to produce the sound. But just think of the lung power that can cause an entire mountain to tremble because of the vibrations! 

It all reminds me that angels as presented in the Bible are not puffy little creatures who play harps, float on clouds and beg for a cheek pinch. They are messengers of the Almighty who do battle in the spiritual realm and make grave and wonderful announcements to humanity all for God's purpose. People who encountered angels in Scripture often fell on their face in fear and praise, but take heart Christian for one day we will be judging them! (1 Corinthians 6:3) And I doubt it will simply be a review of their musical talents.

Steve Cole performing Angel live

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