RED BEETS AND HORSERADISH is inspired by a relish or side-dish usually served around the holidays of Easter or Passover by various ethnicities of Eastern Europe. For the Serbs, for example, the red of the beets is symbolic of the blood of their people, and the horseradish the bitterness of their suffering. For others, the symbolism involves the blood of their savior and the bitterness of His suffering. People in the Jewish tradition also enjoy the dish, but there is no blood involved—the beets are merely for flavor—but the horseradish does represent the memory of bitter suffering in bondage.
The songs on the album involve vignettes and portraits of people who’ve suffered—old people, sick people, crazy people, people who are alone—but the heart of the songs lies not in the suffering of the characters but in the indomitable faith and humor that sustains them.
The introductory track to the album, Rise, sets the tone and theme of the collection with a folksy and upbeat ballad that offers promise straight up in the face of adversity:
Rise from your slumber
Days without number
Wait for you
Shake off your losses
So many causes
to put your shoulder to
It’s time to mend
Time to turn the next bend
We depend on you to harmonize
so Rise
Next comes the song, Lovingkindness, which begins with a harmonica intro hook that blends into a pleasing and catchy melody accentuated by lyrics that glorify the personal praise and testimony of a soul grateful to the God of Creation who is fearsome yet loving and kind to those who He has purchased through His sacrifice on the cross in Christ Jesus.
The third track, Palms & Crosses, picks up the beat somewhat with the drums and electric guitar sounds, and it is a song that seems a bit ironic regarding our Lord's passion at Calvary:
One week palms, joy and praise,
Hearts are lifted, voices raised
Next week nails and crowns of thorns
The mother of God herself will mourn
The chorus line to the song is my favorite: "All I know is that tomorrow will decide what yesterday means!" And it's a good application of gospel doctrine that should be exercised by every believer who walks in faith and not by sight.
My friend lives in a deserted mine,
He wears brokenness like a cloak.
My friend lives in a deserted mine,
He wears brokenness like a cloak.
My friend lives in a deserted mine.
Tonight, we walk to the quiet shrine
The moon settles onto my upturned palm
With a brilliant dusting of snow.(A brilliant dusting of snow.)
Some days the best I can do Is clear a path for light.
Heaven Was Open, is a song that speaks of "seeing the light" and offers a comparison between unseen spiritual realities and the fallen visible world and the Lord is to be praised for this eye opening experience (of course).
Old Hundredth, is partially based on an old Isaac Watts hymn with modifications and is probably my favorite track on the prolific album which totals thirteen songs. It is modern and moving with timeless words of strength and encouragement:
Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord
Eternal truth attends Thy word
Though mist and shadow all around
I’ll set my feet on solid ground
Solid ground, Solid ground
Solid ground
The final song, It's All Between Me and God, is a great outro song to the album that makes anyone who has spent time plying the path to eternity to pause, look out the window and reflect upon the wonderful (and sometimes frightening) aspects of salvation. And in the final analysis, this might be a good way to sum up the concept behind the entire collection of Red Beets and Horseradish -- a thoughtful musical journey through trials and tribulations of both a personal and social nature that keenly reflect the Christian experience. Do give a listen!
Christians beware: the devil let loose in these end times is a roaring lion found everywhere. Last night I watched a 2021 documentary on Amazon Prime Video called Cryptopia: Bitcoins, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet. I couldn't help but fit it all into a Scriptural point of view tempo track so here's my take.
There's a certain sort of successful music promoter on the East Coast who claims to be follower of Jesus Christ (he won't deal with explicit music at all) and he has several irons in the fire within the industry from selling beats to selling bitcoins. Or at least he claims they are bitcoins. The documentary I watched explained how easy it is now to forge bitcoins into what is called 'bitcoin' cash and market the product over the Internet as the genuine item. I can't accuse him of that but since he's a Spotify playlist pusher for pay, red flags immediately go up for me. That's a shady venture to be into and it suckers people into paying to get their music heard for a limited time with very small fiduciary results that don't come near to matching the cost of the service. It's called vanity based marketing and Omari, in the name of Christ, appears to be good at manipulating the unsuspecting.
Those of us who read our Bibles are probably familiar with the lament of Ecclesiastes:
Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity! (Eccles 1:2)
In other words, every action that a natural man makes is based in selfishness and I can't help but believe that the bitcoin phenomenon is also self serving although many of its proponents claim they are decentralizing currency for the good of mankind. Such altruism sounds skeptical even to the least educated but what would Jesus say and isn't that what really matters?
In Matthew 6:21, Christ says: "For wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be also." In the documentary, the producer was allowed limited access to a massive, nuclear proof vault deep in the heart of the Swiss Alps somewhere to see and to show us where bitcoin digital keys are kept securely offline in mainframes protected by guards with shoot-to-kill orders without prejudice against unauthorized intruders. For me, it was a hellish descent into the bowels of the earth that reminded of the line from the Revelation 6:16:
And they cried to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb.
I don't know about you but I don't want my heart buried kilometers beneath the earth's surface awaiting a resurrection of the damned. I would prefer that my thoughts and imaginations sing freely at the top of peaks overlooking the wonder of God's green earth and touching the lower atmosphere of heaven! Sure, money is important and music to me equals a currency that is magnified throughout the Bible as gift from the Creator to His people given so that they may sing His praises forevermore. That's the beat that I live for!
Deception from the Naked Flame EP
I am a published writer in both print and digital platforms and I am well versed in multiple subjects. Almost anything that is non explicit in subject matter interests me and I am well read and educated on a variety of topics including politics, arts and entertainment, science and tech and medicine. I work at a community college as a writing tutor and I have access to the ears of many professionals who can help me research knowledge that I lack. I taught writing for decades at the high school and university levels and can work quickly and easily under pressure and deadlines. My current blog averages 5000 page visits per month and I have had other successful blogs in the past as well. Check out my fiverr gig details and let me know how I can help you with your writing goals from small to big and everything in between.