Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Christian Musicians ARE Alive!!!

 Not only in Christ but here also in the world which is passing away.

It's only been a couple of weeks since I started this blog and talked about it on social media, but requests to be interviewed are pouring in from the U.S and Europe. Not only does this encourage me for obvious reasons, but it confirms my faith (and you know this), that God is NOT dead but Nietzche is!

So why does this news surprise me, energize me? Two reasons. First off, I got the music in me as the old song goes, and it certainly appears that the Lord is answering my prayers almost immediately and why should I, or anyone, be surprised when He does that? He did promise to do so and you did ask him, right? Yet skeptics remain.

People who aren't used to getting prayers answered probably have no idea what I'm talking about, so let me explain. If you check our Lord's Prayer (which people have gotten overly familiar with and tend to neglect these days), you will clearly see the formula for getting things done according to God's will. So many folks approach God like they do a McDonald's drive thru order window and say, "I'll have a number seven and super size it!" Wrong!!! Look closely at the model Jesus gave us. You begin by honoring God (and I say in word and deed) and then be totally honest and ask His forgiveness for whatever hinders your walk with Him. And everybody has something whether we are aware of it or not. 1 John 1:8 So you might as well be straight up because He knows you better than you know yourself. Then you ask to improve your relationship with others, especially those in the Body of Christ but even your enemies or folks you don't especially care for. Now that's a tough one, I admit. But did you ever start praying for somebody you don't like? It's hard to keep on disliking them when you do!

Finally, ask for the basics first (i.e. your daily bread) and then add a loop about what your heart desires because that promise is in the Bible. I'm not making this up as I go along. Psalm 37:4 And isn't that just like having a relationship with any other person? The more you conform to their expectations and likes, the more they will respond in kind. But God is far, far better and blesses exceedingly abundantly beyond our wildest imaginations! Ephesians 3:20 And that would make a dope title for a song: Exceedingly Abundantly. So get to work because that's what prayer is--work, but a joyous labor that brings back more spiritual bling that you could ever dream of! FIRE UP!!!

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