Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Dirt Cheap Music Promotion

 So after just launching this Christian music blog a little over two weeks ago, I'm almost at 500 page visits a day. Not bad for a second run effort. 


I used to write and promote books under the label, Writers Alive, and that went fairly well and I learned a lot about how to deal with creative types and I blogged about it here. And since I'm a creative type myself, I've had to take my own medicinal advice more than once, trusting on the power of Christ to keep me on the straight and narrow in the treacherous waters of digital show biz. (My live performance days are long gone, I think)

So besides the obvious ethical consideration of dealing in an industry that is vanity ladenand since I am not in any way filthy rich, how do I make this work better this time? How do I avoid the mistakes I made B.C. (before Christ) and be a wiser steward of my operating costs and marketing time and effort? To be honest, it ain't easy!

The goalposts are always moving and the players are always changing so (and this is just common sense) I begin every morning with prayer and meditation before I open the inbox and check out the statistics counter on my site. The more traffic, the better the potential to be able to highlight great Christian musicians who are struggling for recognition and the more opportunities to expand into other possible and lucrative areas based upon my hard earned skills set, such as custom tailored podcast interviews. By the way, if you're interested, I'm running a holiday special right now, a start up introductory offer, so go to this page on my site for details on that. At the rate that I'm gaining interest by musicians who want to be featured on this site, these dirt cheap prices won't last long! Hey! I'm an entrepreneur! No apologies. The queue is growing and I want to give each artist carefully thought out exposure, so quality is more important than quantity.


My goal is to surpass the daily traffic I had at the peak of Writers Alive popularity with an organic count of 1000 new visitors a day times 3. Some in the big leagues may snicker at that but the journey of a million miles begins with one step as the proverb goes. It's a mustard seed, I'll admit, and if you haven't watered, or worse yet, planted one and put up a landing page for your music, what are you thinking? Spotify, Linktree, Mix and all those other sites are cool and free but so is the one you're on right now and it's pretty much all mine except for the odd Google bug every now and then. But the apostle Paul travelled along Roman built roads, did he not? So be dope and learn to cope. Don't give up hope. It's a command, not a suggestion.

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