Showing posts with label music promotion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music promotion. Show all posts

Saturday, February 19, 2022

You've waited all your life

 And now the gates are open wide!

Listen to Patient Chill's hit single, From Now to Eternity, celebrating the return of Christ and the welcoming of the saints into His glorious kingdom!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Christian musicians! Get heard!


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I will promote your christian music

About This Gig

I will feature you or your Christian band of any genre music on my quickly growing blog which averages 5000 views per month. I can also review your music and create a custom promo video of it and I will aggressively promote items on at least six social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest and Twitter. I do not accept requests from artists with music that promotes sex, drugs, self mutilation (including transgenderism), suicide, or contain any kind of explicit lyrics or hate speech towards any individual, race, creed or color. I reserve the right to reject proposals based on this criteria or any other Scriptural guidelines for holy living. Send me links to your music before you purchase.

Stace Fauske Rocks for Jesus

 It just keeps getting better with all this new musical talent I am privileged to feature on this blog. Do enjoy this profile on Stace Fauske and the review of his latest release, A Better Way, available on major digital platforms on March 4, 2022.

Stace Fauske

Please tell us about your musical journey in Christ. How long have you been making music? Any formal training? Professional experience?

I've been writing songs for 20+ years but recently at NSAI songwriter meetings I have been getting so many compliments on my music that I decided to get some of them produced. Though I have performed at many "songwriter nights" I have never really toured or been a featured artist at a concert. So I'm putting my best foot forward hoping that my music can be a light for someone, and maybe help somebody somewhere!

What music inspires you the most (Christian or secular)? Name your favorites.

Christian music such as Third Day, Casting Crowns, TobyMac, and Skillet are what inspire me for the past decade. In my youth I was more into bands like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, and Pink Floyd.

How has making music made a difference in your Christian walk?

It has made me believe that music makes a difference in people's lives and it is truly important for the kingdom of God. All over the psalms it says to "sing to the Lord a new song". I believe that He loves when we use our gifts that He gave us to further His kingdom!

What projects are you working on now? What are your hopes for them?

I am constantly writing new songs, it is a great way to get out any thoughts that are on my mind. I also have a handful of other songs that have been produced and I will be releasing them as singles over the next year or so.

Let us know where we can follow you and your music and give us any last words of encouragement, advice or anything else you wish to add.

I am on Facebook, and Instagram as stacefauske.

Post any and all social media links to where more information about you or your band's music can be found.

Music Review of "A Better Way'

From the pile driving intro rhythm guitar hook to the outro vocal chop at the end of the song, Stace Fauske brings home and reinforces the gospel message of living a life free of sin through Jesus Christ and His awesome redemptive powers.

Not only are all the solid classic rock elements perfectly mixed with quality production in this track, but the lyrics and vocals are clear in spirit and perfectly tuned to those who have "ears to hear" as our Lord was fond of saying:

"I was a man who ran to sin and all the deceptions of the world...

Thought I was lost beyond all hope but I'm here to let you know

that there's a better way...

Listen my brother, God can help you change...

Listen for the voice of Jesus calling you back home!"

I've added Stace's music to my Amazon and Spotify playlists and I should probably create an entirely new category which is inspired by this song-- Christian Rock Anthems--because that's exactly what this music is--an uplifting, solidly encouraging tune that you need to play full blast on your car radio on your way to wherever because this sound will make your journey rock!

Stace Fauske and his music are definitely worth checking out and you should follow this musician for the Lord and download his new EP coming out on March 4th of this year. We can only hope that his career in this ministry continues to grow and to draw and inspire many to the message of the kingdom found in Christ Jesus. It's definitely a better way!

Stace Fauske, A Better Way song cover

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Musically Sinful Preaching

 Since there is a lull in interview requests (and a backlog in music reviews), I thought I'd take this opportunity to fill your screen with random Christian thoughts from a neophyte's perspective. Hey! It's my blog so I can do what I like! :)

My new band, Patient Chill, has released their debut album of the same name. We are mixing and mastering the last track, From Now to Eternity. The EP is a concept album which offers a Christian response to the pandemic--a topic that has become morbid and rightly so, but this release offers hope through trusting in Christ after subtly exploring the situation and redefining it musically in a gentle way. The titles of the five tracks should give you a clue:

1. Patient Chill

2. VaRiAnCe

3. Injection 6

4. Boost Her

5. From Now to Eternity

Some may criticize its seemingly secular sound and overt appeal to worldly sensibilities with its initial EDM track and psychedelic rock riffs, especially in Injection 6, but I offer here an early apologetic based on Scripture.

In the Book of Acts, Paul addresses the Athenians in the Areopagus and acknowledges their religiosity before telling them about Jesus and salvation. It is an attempt to reach people on their own level before praying that the Holy Spirit will lead them to repentance and a higher level of existence through the conviction of solid preaching. As he writes in 1st Corinthians 9:

19For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them. 20To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. 21To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law. 22To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. 23I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.

Now the obvious danger in adopting this approach is that you must have the clear objective of ultimately giving the gospel as your final appeal. In other words, be like the Lord was when He so graciously dwelt among us rebellious sinners. His presence affected them with holiness and His holiness was not affected by our sin natures. And as Shakespeare so aptly put it: Aye! There's the rub! 

Watch Boost Her lyric video from Patient Chill EP

Wanted: Christian Musicians for Music Blog Promo


I will promote your christian music

About This Gig

I will feature you or your Christian band of any genre music on my quickly growing blog which averages 5000 views per month. I can also review your music and create a custom promo video of it and I will aggressively promote items on at least six social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest and Twitter. I do not accept requests from artists with music that promotes sex, drugs, self mutilation (including transgenderism), suicide, or contain any kind of explicit lyrics or hate speech towards any individual, race, creed or color. I reserve the right to reject proposals based on this criteria or any other Scriptural guidelines for holy living. Send me links to your music before you purchase.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Bitcoins, the Bible and the Beast

 Christians beware: the devil let loose in these end times is a roaring lion found everywhere. Last night I watched a 2021 documentary on Amazon Prime Video called Cryptopia: Bitcoins, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet. I couldn't help but fit it all into a Scriptural point of view tempo track so here's my take.

cover image for documentary Cryptopia

There's a certain sort of successful music promoter on the East Coast who claims to be follower of Jesus Christ (he won't deal with explicit music at all) and he has several irons in the fire within the industry from selling beats to selling bitcoins. Or at least he claims they are bitcoins. The documentary I watched explained how easy it is now to forge bitcoins into what is called 'bitcoin' cash and market the product over the Internet as the genuine item. I can't accuse him of that but since he's a Spotify playlist pusher for pay, red flags immediately go up for me. That's a shady venture to be into and it suckers people into paying to get their music heard for a limited time with very small fiduciary results that don't come near to matching the cost of the service. It's called vanity based marketing and Omari, in the name of Christ, appears to be good at manipulating the unsuspecting.

Those of us who read our Bibles are probably familiar with the lament of Ecclesiastes: 

Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity! (Eccles 1:2)

In other words, every action that a natural man makes is based in selfishness and I can't help but believe that the bitcoin phenomenon is also self serving although many of its proponents claim they are decentralizing currency for the good of mankind. Such altruism sounds skeptical even to the least educated but what would Jesus say and isn't that what really matters?

In Matthew 6:21, Christ says: "For wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be also." In the documentary, the producer was allowed limited access to a massive, nuclear proof vault deep in the heart of the Swiss Alps somewhere to see and to show us where bitcoin digital keys are kept securely offline in mainframes protected by guards with shoot-to-kill orders without prejudice against unauthorized intruders. For me, it was a hellish descent into the bowels of the earth that reminded of the line from the Revelation 6:16: 

And they cried to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb.

I don't know about you but I don't want my heart buried kilometers beneath the earth's surface awaiting a resurrection of the damned. I would prefer that my thoughts and imaginations sing freely at the top of peaks overlooking the wonder of God's green earth and touching the lower atmosphere of heaven! Sure, money is important and music to me equals a currency that is magnified throughout the Bible as gift from the Creator to His people given so that they may sing His praises forevermore. That's the beat that I live for!

Deception from the Naked Flame EP

Get Boost Her

Listen to more Patient Chill music at


Saturday, February 5, 2022

A Priest and a Thief Walk Into a Blog



This Italian priest makes you an offer you can't refuse

Don Pasquale Ferone hails from a parish in Naples, Italy and is a Catholic charismatic priest who plays some spirited guitar and writes songs unos post alium. Check out his songs and bio HEREand follow this talented and gifted padre on his Facebook page along with thousands of others. CMA is officially an international blog now!


The Good Thieves is the creation of Hugo James from the United Kingdom and is a very eclectic collection of songs that feature instrumental tracks with lyrics that stick closely to Scripture stories. Read more HERE. Business is good at CMA through my fiverr gig and the reviews are all 5 star so praise the Lord for that!

Gold Phoenix Line Art Logo.jpg

Our new EP is in the works now. Fee Nix is another concept production centered on the idea that our redemption cost has been PAID IN FULL by Christ's sacrifice on the cross. This collection introduces teen singer/songwriter, Katelynn McKinney, who adds a brilliant new, young and energetic dimension to vocals on at least one song so far. We are looking to make it available around Easter. Visit and subscribe if you want to be kept in the calm loop.

Thanks for subscribing to the CMA newsletter and remember: As crazy as things appear on earth these days, all is right in heaven! Just keep calm and listen!



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